Our planet

Recognizing that the Earth is irreplaceable, Canon Medical Systems strives to develop and provide environmentally conscious medical solutions that contribute to communities and healthcare services. We are committed to this philosophy as we expand our business worldwide and promote environmental activities to the extent that they are feasible in accordance with the Canon Group Environmental Charter and Canon Medical Systems Group Standards of Conduct.

Environmental Charter

‘When I reflect upon 2022 and look forward, I see two areas for me to focus on: getting CSR in the DNA of our employees and opening up the dialogue with our business environment.’

Toshio Takiguchi, President and CEO, Canon Medical Systems Corporation

Climate change and carbon targets

Canon Medical Systems supports the Paris Climate Agreement and strives to minimize impact on climate change. In December 2022, we established a medium-term plan for CO2-emissions for the entire group, setting a goal of a 42% reduction from the 2022 level by 2030, and are taking steps to achieve carbon neutrality.

We consider climate change issues even more important as weather conditions become more extreme around the world. This sense of urgency is reflected in the Action Plan we developed in 2021 and will ratify in 2023. In our official Action Plan, climate change will be an important materiality theme accompanied by ambitious targets for the medium and long term.
‘When looking at CSR and the field of cardiology, we see that pollution and climate change have a huge impact on the development of disease. Think about heat strokes or other cardiovascular problems that are increasingly occurring in relation to the extreme global weather events or air pollution.’  
In combination with aging, this means that the demand for healthcare services including our products such as CT equipment, will increase in the near future, which directly poses a dilemma, as the healthcare sector in general has a huge environmental footprint. Luckily, a topic such as ‘climate cardiology’ is becoming more popular in our field, though it still remains to be under-researched as of now.’  

 ‘These changing clinical syndromes as well as our impact on climate change affect our products. They influence the design principles and they change the way our equipment is used during its operational and disposable phase. A good example is the development of techniques that allow to use less or even no contrast agents during the acquisition of images, this is better for patients and for the planet. And something we do not communicate that often is how Canon Medical took steps, such as refurbishment of our equipment or reducing their energy consumption, already a long time ago. It’s embedded in the design of our products as the very basics.’     

- Joanna Schuijf, member of Global Research & Development Center and Global Marketing
Our objective is to help minimize climate change. At Canon Medical Systems’ production bases, with high environmental impact, we will carry out CO2 reduction activities in accordance with Canon Inc. standards.

Our carbon footprint

Our carbon footprint decreased from 38,673 tons of CO2in 2021 to 36,588 ton in 2022. This is partly due to closing one of our offices in Malaysia, but also by relocation of some of our offices to new buildings as well as other energy-related measures.

‘Another big project was being part of relocating our headquarters from a 50-year old building to a brand new building in Rome. One challenge to address was getting our staff used to a new place to work, as the old location was our headquarters for over 30 years. But as soon as we moved we experienced the comfort of our new location: more natural light, better insulation, fully electric, good restaurant services, a rooftop garden and located near the railway station and next to the Roman airport. CSR was considered an essential criterion by our former CEO when selecting a new building.’

- Luigi Mirco Amoreo, Italy, about CSR and comfortable working place
Electricity consumption, mainly from production sites, remains the major source of our CO2 emissions. However, we do see some results of energy-efficiency measures taken, as the amount of electricity consumption decreased in 2022. Examples are measures to reduce stand-by power consumption at the production facilities in Japan, but also innovation in using artificial intelligence to take pictures in low power mode.
Did you know…

…that the purchase of green electricity offers several benefits, such as a reduction of the organization’s carbon footprint and a reduction in air pollution?
…Other benefits beyond the environmental ones are improved employee recruitment and retention as people like to work at an environmental friendly company?
…Canon Group Companies and subsidiaries are already purchasing green electricity, such as Skope, Olea Medical, Germany, Austria, Belgium as well as 6 offices in Japan?

Considerations from subsidiaries on CSR and sustainable mobility

‘We are facing many practical challenges when it comes to the move to Electric Vehicles (EV’s) for our company car fleet. Think about not having full coverage of charging infrastructure yet throughout the UK, cars with enough range and with proper space for the equipment of our technical staff. Also, car insurance is a bit tricky, our insurers will not cover anybody under 30 years old. Alternatives to cars are also scarce as trains in the UK are not very reliable and expensive. Despite these challenges we are very confident we will turn our company car fleet to sustainable one with up to 50% of electric vehicles within the next few years.’
- Darryl Collin, UK

‘Our customers from the public sector as well as an increasing number of corporate groups and private companies, want details from Canon Medical of "our approach to ESG". Driven by both social responsibility and the imminent implementation of IFRS Sustainability Standards, there is deepening focus on how our industry is planning and working toward net zero. Canon Medical Systems Australia and New Zealand is deep diving into our environmental strategy and data to produce solid local outcomes including working on controllable areas such as waste management and business travel and its related emissions. For example, we are exploring best practice to transform our fossil fuel car fleet to hybrid or electric technology.’
- Monica King, Australia and New Zealand

‘In Korea we try to encourage our employees who do not have a company car, to buy ecofriendly cars, such as hybrid and electric cars. This is not easy as it is not standard yet in Korea and of course we cannot force our employees to do so, but we will continue to gradually lower our emissions due to daily traffic. This means that we will keep reminding everybody about their responsibility as well.’
- HeeJee Mun and Jungbin Lee, Korea

‘Although we are located near the airport, we are working on procedures to minimize travelling by plane and promote travelling by train. Especially between our offices in Milan and Rome, which takes less than three hours with the highspeed railway services.

Also, part of our mobility policy and ambitions is to gradually transform our current company car fleet to hybrid and electric vehicles. We have some worrying issues like limited range, infrastructural issues and increased costs, but we will focus on this in the coming years as its emissions account for most of our carbon footprint. We are also reaching out to our colleagues in Sweden and the Netherlands as they already have experience in this matter.’
- Luigi Mirco Amoreo, Italy

Japan upgraded 90 vehicles to EV. Belgium, Austria, Spain and Portugal reported the purchase of ecofriendly cars. Others report a development towards a hybrid and electric car fleet, such as France, Brazil, Switzerland and Canada.
The results of footprints by region are as follows:
Most of the electricity needed for production is consumed in Japan. Our CO2 emissions caused by fossil fuels are highest in Japan, followed by North America and Europe. We measure our carbon footprint on a monthly basis, including that of our subsidiaries, so we can evaluate and take effective actions to reduce our carbon footprint.

‘We offset everything we sell and do in the UK, including the manufacturing and transportation from Japan. We also include operational use, typically 7-10 years (depending on modality) with a usage of 12 hours per day 7 days a week. We have carefully considered how and where to apply our offsetting, as we wanted to combine both the environmental aspects with social benefits in our offsetting projects. We use UN Gold Standard offsetting projects, and we are very proud of the environmental and social impacts these projects deliver.

- Darryl Collin, UK, about CSR and offsetting in the UK

Carbon footprint reduction measures

We are continuously focused on taking measures to reduce energy consumption at our production sites, sales branches, and research facilities. These measures include the use of LED lighting and motion sensor lighting, as well as the introduction of solar panels on warehouse roofs. We also seek to use renewable energy and reduce carbon emissions caused by transportation.

The Energy Conservation Promotion PJ reduced standby power consumption at manufacturing facilities by approximately 1.19 million kWh (580 t- CO2) per year through changes in supply conditions, strengthening of air conditioning temperature control, and optimization of ventilation facility operation.

‘Reaching out and connecting is part of my work, but also something we do as an organization. For example, we just reached out to our new landlord about purchasing renewable energy for energy consumption of our offices. It is something we have to do together as we are not the only company in the building, but it starts with a conversation and so we did.’

- Luigi Mirco Amoreo, Italy, about CSR and reaching out

In 2021, the Head Office used the Japanese J-Credit Scheme to purchase credits that offset CO2 emissions. Certified by the Japanese government, this system allows CO2 emission reductions and absorption achieved through energy conservation, renewable energy production, and forest management to be traded as credits and used in a variety of ways. Canon Medical Systems Corporation Headquarters has a large carbon footprint. Through the J-Credits Scheme we purchased carbon credits equivalent to 10% of our annual CO2 emissions. In this way, we are contributing to a low carbon society in Japan.
In 2022, 1.100 tons of CO2 were compensated by the purchase of J-credits.

Packaging material

The total amount of packaging material increased slightly in 2022 (3% more than the 3,169 tons in 2021) due to a rise in sales generally and a rise in sales of larger machines. We keep re-using wooden pallets (35 tons per year reduction) and plastic pallets (9 tons per year reduction).

Caring about biodiversity

Made for Life means caring about biodiversity and other, non-human life on Earth. We are pleased to see that our subsidiaries continue to make efforts to protect local biodiversity. In Japan, we educated our employees through environmental lectures and education which was offered three times in 2022, for all employees on social trends and environmental initiatives as well. We even received two awards (Japan Nature Conservation Grand Prize 2022 and the Tochino wa Prefectural Citizens' Council Commendation), showing our dedication to this important topic. Finally, appreciating nature starts young and in cooperation with an elementary school, we developed a program for fourth graders on biodiversity initiatives, electricity generation and more.